Therapeutic Area

01 Onc ology 16% Cardi o v ascular 14% Endocrinology 9% 7% Neurology Orthopedics Gastroent erology Va c cine Inf ectious Disease Urology Respir a t o r y Ophthalmology Dermat ology Hepat ology Rheumat ology Medic al Genetics Ps y chiat r y Nephrology 1% Plastic surger y 1% ENT 1% Immunology 1% Blood sy s t em disorder 1% Obst etrics and G y ne c ology 1% Others 9% The r apeutic Area 1,627 Projects (2000~2024.06.30)

* Others : Anesthesiology, Dental, Hematology, Antifungal Agent, General surgery, Angina pectoris, Consulting, etc.

02_01_02 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 1,627 Projects Onc ology Cardi o v ascular Endocrinology Neurology Gastroen t erology Orthopedics V a c cine In f ectious Disease Urology Respi r a t o r y Ophthalmology Derma t ology Hepa t ology Rheuma t ology Medi c al Genetics P s y chiat r y Nephrology ENT Plastic Surge r y Immunology Others [As o f 2024.06.30]